Review: Men's Health Magazine

Maybe you're wondering what a men's magazine is doing on my blog. Well, I do my best to be diverse and ensure that I'm able to comprehend a wide-range of things around me. No, it's not what you're thinking of! I do not want to be a man, I so love my being a woman, LOL!

Anyway, going back to Men's Health Magazine. There was a time in my life when I was into local magazines - Cosmopolitan, Preview, Good House Keeping, Marie Claire, etc. Then I gained weight. I stopped reading those magazines because every time I turn its pages, I felt like I wanted to be in a 'killing-spree' frenzy because of the thin models they use for their articles and products shots. Well, I don't feel that way anymore, but that's another story.

Over the years, My love, in spite of my deliberate loss of appetite for magazines has continued buying his own collection - FHM, Digital Photographer, T3, and Men's Health.

I discovered Men's Health last year when I wanted to read the newspaper but there wasn't one so I ended up with it. After flipping through the pages, I was amazed to discover a lot of interesting articles! The articles were not just meant for men, they were also very informative and palatable for women! I couldn't help myself but read it from cover to cover.

I changed my views about My Love's choice of magazines since then, specifically with Men's Health. There's a lot sense in it, not just a hoola-baloo of women in kinky outfit, legs open wide, and what-not spread on all its pages.
Well, there are a couple of them in every issue but hey, it's a MEN's magazine, d'uh! I especially like their bulletins on health, sex, nutrition, and weight loss. Their AlphaMale "Time Off" and "Words To The Wise" are also worth the read.

Though the magazine contains typical male interests - their bodies, women, sex, and cars, Men's Health has added a different dimension to it by having female contributors as part of their roster of genius writers. Men's Health continuously improve every issue and keeps their article topics updated. Overall, they're doing a very good job!

Kudos to Men's Health Magazine, you rock!

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